Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mba Scholarships For Chinese, African, Eastern European Together With Latin American


International Development Scholarships
Chinese, African, Eastern European as well as Latin American

To ensure a genuinely various as well as international course, nosotros invite applications from all regions of the world. In guild to encourage applications nosotros offering a discover of scholarships on the MBA course.

Course: Full-time MBA

Value: upwards to £14,000 towards the tuition fees

Scholarship details: These scholarships are restricted to self-funded candidates as well as nosotros encourage applicants from the next developing areas to utilize for an International Development Scholarship: China, Latin America, Eastern Europe as well as Africa.

If you lot convey questions most your application or the admissions procedure delight contact:

Laura Woodall or Helen Knight
+44 (0) 1234 754432

Please quote on your application when applying for this scholarship

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